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  • Display Problem

    I'm running Woodwind I on a PC (6 instances) but can only view 4 instances at a time. I always have two showing There are not enough Windows GDI resources to show this interface. Even if I close all the windows nothing changes. I can always open up any four windows but the last two never show.

    How can I fix this?

  • This is by design. To many open instances would cause to much CPU power for grafical refresh. Therefor the amount of instances which can be displayed simultaneous is limited.


  • Herb,
    You may have misunderstood. I can't even open one instance if 4 have been open and closed. So if I open Flute1 and close than Flute2 than close than Oboe 1 than close than Oboe 2 than close (so that no windows are open) I still will not be able to view Clarinets 1 or 2 unless I quit the program, reload and start by opening Clarinet 1+2 (in which case I will not be able to view Flute 1+2 or whatever.)

    Is this by design that you must quit the program to view even one instance after opening and closing 4 instances?

  • Hi Dave,

    are you sure that you are really closing the GUIs? The warning message only shows up when you have the interfaces open somewhere in the background... normally.

    Greetings, Paul

    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Hi Paul,

    Yes I'm closing them for sure. It's curious that I always have 2 windows without enough resources which are always the last two I try to open (even with everything closed and not in the background.)

    My original question was how to allocate more resources in XP. I'm running Plogue Bidule and don't see anything in the preferences or other options to help.

    Aside from that the Vienna Instruments are quite remakable and I'm convinced the designer is some sort of genius with the elegent design and multiplicity of adjustable parameters.


  • I frequently have a similar problem. I cannot view new instances sometimes even when I close the old ones. I also can not view the intances of other plugs-in like Wizooverb. The only way I can see the instances is to shut down the program (Sonar) and then restart. At that point any instances that were open when I shut the program down appear fine.

    This is definitely a bug.


  • Same here Jay. If I shut down and restart then I can always view the first four of my liking but never the other two. Only happens on my PC though. On My G5 I run 5 without any display problems at all.

  • Dave,

    What host are you using on your PC?

    I sometimes get the problem even when opening only 2 instances.


  • Jay,

    Plogue Bidule which I only recently started using on what was a Gigastudio dedicated PC. I like it a lot as it's very stabile and easy to use. I have 2 gigs of Ram on a P4 3.4 ghz.

  • Please take this bug seriously. It's driving me crazy and wasting a lot of time shutting down the program then restarting it just so that I can see the VI interface!!


  • Gentlemen,

    we are looking into it. I have tried to simulate the situation on quite a few machines, but cannot reproduce the problem so far. I´ll keep on testing, thanks for your patience.

    Just to make sure: You are both using V1.04, right?

    Thanks a lot,


    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • Thanks Paul,

    I wish I knew exactly how to make the problem occur. Currently it happens once or twice a session. The strange thing about the problem is that other VST's like Wizooverb seem to "lose" their ability to display their interface screens as well. Perhaps this fact can help the programmers narrow the search for the cause of the problem.

    I am using 1.05 (from the beta-site). However, I had this problem with earlier versions of the software as well.


  • XP-1.03 here so I will update...

    I tried to update but XP 1.03 is the only installer available. Unless OSXIntel 1.5 is okay for me on my PC.

    I have 1.04 on my G5 with no display problems. Does 1.05 run on non-intel Mac's?