@paulhenrysmith said:
I also want to know how to do this. I have a track where I have carefully adjusted note velocities, and I wanted to use the VELXF on just a few notes. The problem is that if you enable this for the VI in use, it's just ON for the whole track. And when it's on, all the velocity info for each note is ignored.
I'm going to try to figure it out today. If I do, I'll certainly post my solution.
Well I seem to have got it to work. I right clicked on the on/off button went to control list set C6 as the controller then entered ~C6,0 for "off" and C6,127 for "on" in a sibelius score and that worked.
Between us we'll get this thing to make sweet music with sibelius.
It would be great if someone could post a demo where the VI was used with Sibelius. I won't be able to post my quartet for many weeks.