@JWL said:
I always put in beginning keyswitches just before the first MIDI note data locations on each track just to ensure that the starting patches and volumes are correctly registered with each project.
Hope this helps.
And you must make these keyswitches "legato" so that the correct matrix/patch will play no matter where in the track you start (assuming that your sequencer is set to chase notes).
Hey DG-- can you clarify a bit more? Do you mean the length of the keywsitch notes? (I don't get the sense that you mean "legato" patches). Are you saying that your keyswitch durations actually dove-tail?
Hmm... me-thinks herein lies a bit of brilliance. I'd never even considered this-- and for reasons of avoiding MIDI data jamming things, I've always shortened my keyswithes to an 8th or 16th. I still struggle with a little keyswitch issue which Marnix cannot reproduce, but dove-tailing keyswitches will solve a multitude of problems.... that is, of course, if I've understood your tip properly.