I'm usually not quick to complain, but after having purchased the entire new library a few weeks ago, I'm about to return it for a refund. Aside from the fact that I'm very disappointed as to the number of new samples as opposed to what I already have with owning the Basic Edition, Pro Edition and complete Horizon series, I might feel just a little better if it were possible to at least get this thing to work reliably, which is near impossible. I feel like a beta tester. To say the least, this has been a frustrating experience. I just don't think this library is anywhere near ready for prime time yet. When I am able to get the VI to open as a plug-in in Digital Performer, the instantiation time takes forever, or just crashes half the time. Right now, however, nothing is working. I'm gettting multiple Syncrosoft Licence Control errors all the time, crashing, spinning beachballs that last forever. No way to do a job with this library at this point. I'm running a superbly tuned G5 Quad and this VI is bringing everything down. Not sure what to do at this point. Is there any new version of the Syncrosoft Licence Control beyond that is about to be released?
I'm certainly in favor of sticking it out a little longer in hopes of updates correcting these issues, but so much time has been wasted at this point, and I don't have any indication that anything's being done about it from Syncrosoft or VSL. To work, I'm using my older Vienna libraries for now.
I'm certainly in favor of sticking it out a little longer in hopes of updates correcting these issues, but so much time has been wasted at this point, and I don't have any indication that anything's being done about it from Syncrosoft or VSL. To work, I'm using my older Vienna libraries for now.