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  • Thanks. 64 bit upgrade is unavoidable then.... 


  • I have a question - looks like you guys might know the answer, forgive me if it is dumb or has been asked before - I am using Ensemble Pro in a 32bit, XP machine, using a laptop (same 32bit OS) as a slave. If I were to buy an additional computer, but Win7 64 bit, could I run an instance of VE Pro in there @ 64 bit and still stay at 32 bit on the main (XP) machine.? I supect the answer may be no but it would be awesome if it was yes :) Thanks, Mike Nuendo 5.1, VI Pro, VE Pro XP Pro (32 bit), 9.2 Ghz Dual core AMD

  • Hi Mike, 

    you can even mix different OS´s with VE PRO, as it works cross-platform. You can also run a 32-bit and 64-bit Server instance of VE PRO simultaneously on the same computer. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul, Woah ! That's amazing - so in a 32 bit setup, I can just add a 64bit Wn7 PC as a slave, therefore able to use all that extra ram without changing my setup in the main machine. Well cool :) I have had VE Pro a couple of weeks now and am very impressed, it's like FX Teleport on steroids. Heartiest congratulations. Thanks, Best wishes, Mike

  • sounds like it works very well.ok ,got it .still got some problems

  • I am a newby having trouble with CPU. Read the first few pages of this thread which looked useful and now my head hurts. a lot. I have been considering buying a new Mac even so as to get more RAM and superior powers but this thread seems to be suggesting that even if I get more RAM Vienna Instruments can't use it..?huh? I don't want to fork out for a new puter then it not work to fix my CPU problems... please can someone explain the headlines in english? thanks! (Macbook pro, 2.3GHZ, 4 GB)

  • It is worth remembering that the thread is very old, and back when it started, a 64 bit o/s was not the norm, thus, back then, most computers could not address more than roughly 3.5 gigs of RAM.  That has totally changed now, and all VSL products are designed to be run in a 64 bit o/s, and indeed, some of them, such as MIR Pro, can only be run in a 64 bit o/s.

    If you get more RAM, you will be able to use it.  Even if your sequencer remains a 32 bit one, there are ways VSL can still access your entire RAM.  Overall, your goals, your sample libraries, and/or if you intend to get MIR PRo, and what you intend to write will influence how much RAM you will need.  For example, the SE libraries need less RAM than the full collections.

    For larger templates 24 gigs would be strongly recommended, and even 32 gigs could be of use.  Anything under 16 gigs may quickly become a bottleneck with larger orchestral compositions.  On the other hand, if you will be using just the SE libraries, 8 gigs would most likely be enough.

  • Many thanks Noldar! I have since managed to get things working again this weekend (the one core overload problem was getting me. Upgraded to Logic 9.1.8 so now able to tell Logic to use both cores plus selecting a blank no input audio track during playback seems to have sorted things for now (hoorah!). That said, I'm still going to investigate upgrading my setup. I am working in 64 bit across the board-in Kontakt/ Logic/VSL. Currently use NI session strings, Eastwest, and Vienna appassionata strings (full). My compositions have circa 30 parts and growing. I don't currently use effects plugins (just the inbuilt reverbs of the sample libraries).I may start doing my own mixing one day and also may purchase more samples. Given I am a Logic user gotta use a mac so I am considering either getting a single mac tower or a 2 computer setup. Mac as master, PC as slave. Given it strikes me as a technical headache to get two computers networked- even finding someone to do it for me no doubt tricky!- I wondered if a mactower with the kind of stats you're suggesting would be sufficient? albeit expensive :-( I note there seem to be a bunch of composers here on 2 computers, so wondered if there were advantages to a 2 computer setup besides cost?? (PCs being cheaper)

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    Off-topic side-note:

    @noldar12 said:

    [...] all VSL products are designed to be run in a 64 bit o/s, and indeed, some of them, such as MIR Pro, can only be run in a 64 bit o/s. [...] 

    Technically, you actually _can_ run MIR Pro as a 32-bit application. It won't get you very far, though. 😉

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library