Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • VI on Mac... on PC...

    Don't be angry with me 'cause of this question (demand):

    can we have, here in the Forum, two distinct section... for VI on Mac and VI on PC?'s very difficult understand, at least for me! [:O]ops:, and following discussions about Mac's issue vs PC's issue... It's all mixed... Could it be more simple to read just the "VI version" we have (or... we'd like to have)... or not? [8-)]

    ...I've done the best with... my english!

    Cheers, thanks... and... sorry again! [:D] (i know, you're very busy!)

    P.S.:'s not for a "new war" Mac vs PC... [[;)]]

  • well, well, ... this topic comes up from time to time ....
    finally then we'd have to have 3 - mac/PC/VI and then we'd have to encourage our users to use the *system* forums instead of giga, exs, kontakt+halion for possibly system-related questions .... not sure if issues can always be assigned clearly to the product or the platform it is used on ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • ...all right! you're right... (I didn't think about the "using VI's issues in both systems"... 3 it's too much indeed![:O]ops[:)]

    ...but... in some way ('cause I can't hope that all users will read this Topic... and some one could not agree with me too...) ...could you write a topic... asking us, users, to add, in the subject, our "system"...?

    -Mac_VI Istallation issue
    -PC_my key doesn't open... anything!
    -...and so on...

    ...just a little help for all... maybe... [8-)]

    Thanks, greetings!

  • In some way I agree with you; all these "VI doesn't load, blah, blah, blah" threads are very boring if you use a different platform. However, I would like to help and read tips from users of all platforms and sequencers, as most of this knowledge and advice is universal.

    I have been accused of poking my nose into MAC territory before now and I know that some people don't like it. However, those people who have had days of help from me, often by emails, don't seem to mind. One could also say that (in this case) if some Mac users were less selfish, I wouldn't have to bother [:D]

    I still maintain that help is help and I don't care where it comes from. However, there would be nothing stop the creation of an "Installation Problems" section of the forum where maybe there could be other categories,


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    @Another User said:

    However, I would like to help and read tips from users of all platforms and sequencers, as most of this knowledge and advice is universal.

    [:O]ops: I agree... but you always could go inside the VI Mac Section and read... and help... if you like... [[:D]]


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    @Another User said:

    all these "VI doesn't load, blah, blah, blah" threads are very boring if you use a different platform.

    DG... sure my english could be "misunderstood"... [:O]ops: ...I didn't want to mean: "I hate PC users... vsl, open a section just for VI-Mac users". I hope you all don't think that...[:D]
    And I never took it to mean that. I was trying to be amusing and probably failing dismally [:'(]


  • a very quick solution would be to put the used platform into brackets before the *real* subject (which can be selfexplaining too)

    ... of course the VIsoftware will never install on an [ALPHA] or [IRIX] ... hehe .. so pleas use [OSX PPC] or [XP 32bit] instead [6]

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @Another User said:

    And I never took it to mean that. I was trying to be amusing and probably failing dismally

    DG... don't worry! [[:D]]

  • I also find that idea with the two forums better.

    It would decrease the amount of new threads per section - one could more easily follow threads and overview what is new/interesting/whatsoever....

    And from time to time the opinions about each others platform can be quite tiring - and somehow we all like to behave like kids (mine is least we all have about the same CPU inside now ....)

    The first reason is more important to me of course.


  • steff, and where would you then post questions about the VI itself (mapping, matrices, sliders, controllers, ect)?

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I think that I'm just not a fan of apartheid in any form....


  • Steff3... cm is right... it will be (should?) enough if WE write the *system* before the subject...


  • >>
    steff, and where would you then post questions about the VI itself (mapping, matrices, sliders, controllers, ect)?

    Well, I would post such a question in the forum of my platform (of course).
    I might search for answer about such a question with the search function in every forum section though
    I do agree with you that it does not make sense to dived between "concerning VI" and "concerning platform" questions - as with software instruments there is no clear border and things affect each other. I do not know if a unified section really decreases the amount of "double posts" - do not think so as the post just move down the archives faster and getting out of gaze. And I think that would be the main motivation for a unified section.
    1) My experience is - people search first or they post first, no matter how the organisation is layed out.
    2) After a speciific time you get those "mine is bigger than yours" post (my computer is meant of course) which I have never seen in Mac-only forums (cannot talk about PC only forums) - and they will come up again and again and again and again...
    can become pretty tiring.....

    I think that I'm just not a fan of apartheid in any form....
    Sorry DG, (I find this compoarison a little off - not to say totally) but you might want to first think about the meaning of the word, what became associated with that word. And if you really want to bring it down to a ridiculous level, you might want to think about your own country ( and as much I can see it does not really matter where you live these days) - I currently live in Austria as an non-Austrian ...... (well, you are right, it does not feel that ridiculous anymore if I think about it, pretty severe indeed ...)

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    sorry, i don't understand your second paragraph .... anyway

    @Another User said:

    which I have never seen in Mac-only forums
    beeing a long-year-reader of comp.sys.mac* and de.comp.sys.mac.* i'd not subscribe to this ...

    as i mentioned above ... we had this discussion already (mainly driven by a few persons - some of you might remember) regarding vienna/giga/exs forum. no satisfying solution was found except all agreed to more posting discipline

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.