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  • Vienna Instrument As Stand-Alone ?

    I'm not sure if this question has been answered yet on this forum, I know there was a thread asking the question, but no clear answer that I can find.

    So, One more time,

    Q) How is it possible to play the Vienna Instrument as a stand alone instrument if it is not multi-timbral ? (as far as I see, you can not trigger parts via midi channels (1 thru 16) and midi ports (1,2,3,4,...) or via Midi over Lan. on one Vienna Inst. instance.

    A) .................

    I think adding this Q&A to the FAQ list is a good idea.


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    @muziksculp said:

    I'm not sure if this question has been answered yet on this forum, I know there was a thread asking the question, but no clear answer that I can find.

    So, One more time,

    Q) How is it possible to play the Vienna Instrument as a stand alone instrument if it is not multi-timbral ? (as far as I see, you can not trigger parts via midi channels (1 thru 16) and midi ports (1,2,3,4,...) or via Midi over Lan. on one Vienna Inst. instance.

    A) .................

    I think adding this Q&A to the FAQ list is a good idea.


    I guess in a VST host with multiple instances. I'm sure that Paul said that he would post various suggestions when they finish testing.


  • VSL's page on Vienna Instruments says you can play it as either an AU, VST or stand-alone instrument. I literally just ordered a new 64bit based PC for GS3 for VSL. Now comes this product and I wonder if I've wasted $$$ on a box I don't need. I'm hoping I can run this product as a stand-alone instrument. Even if that means running several monotimbral instances of Vienna Instruments, I hope you can still set it up on a separate computer that connects to your main DAW. Can you do this, or must you run it on the same machine as your host sequencer?

  • I've just made a stress test using V-stack and on a seperate computer, and performed there with 24 Vienna Instruments instances simultaneous, which worked flawless so far.
    (Pentium4 2.8 GHZ).
    Maximum stereo voices were about 100 - 120.

    In a dedicated streaming stress-test using 4 instances, I reached 164 stereo voices.


  • How do you send MIDI information from the second computer to your main DAW.? I have a WaveCenter PCI with 2 MIDI ports/32 channels available. That's how my current under-powered Giga machine is connected to my main DAW. Can i still use that method to connect multiple instances of VI from a remote computer to my main DAW?

  • I'm using here MOL connecting 4 slave computers to my main DAW.

  • Herb,
    In your previous post, you said you usedV-Stack. what is that? Is it the ability to stack VI instruments or is it a separate utility. How do you assign audio outs to multiple VI instances on a stand-alone computer? Does the stand-alone engine identify your MIDI and audio hardware the way GS3 does?
    If it does, I should be fine.

  • Hi Herb, and Thanks for the info.

    So, A VST or AU host is required for stand alone operation, (which technically is not 100% stand alone), but I guess makes it possible to run multiple instances of the Vienna Instrument on a dedicated 'Vienna Inst.' computer, via a midi interface, or Midi Over Lan (MOL).

    I am a Logic Pro 7.1 user, and will be using a G5 2.5 Quad, (which is quite a fast and capable machine) but, if I feel that there is a need for a second stand alone machine for additional assistance, then I could use V-Stack (VST) since the Vienna Inst. would run as a VST plug-In instrument within V-Stack, on Mac OSX.

    I am not sure about the 'VST System link' part of the system, since I don't use Cubase, but rather use Logic 7 Pro, I think Steinberg products seem to usually run more efficiently on PCs rather than Macs, but maybe not a big difference in performance.

    I would be curious to know if there are other Host application options other than V-Stack for the Mac (VST or AU) to host the Vienna Instrument (I would not want a second Logic 7 Pro or Logic Express License just to Host the Vienna Instrument). [8-)]


  • So V-Stack is a Mac VST host? Herb didn't specify whether his slave computers were PC or Mac. Which are they, Herb?

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    @kevjazz said:

    So V-Stack is a Mac VST host? Herb didn't specify whether his slave computers were PC or Mac. Which are they, Herb?

    I suppose Herb is talking about the VST- Host (PC only) by Steinberg:">
