I've read this topic with much interest, and as excited as I am about those new things, I'm also a bit dissapointed.....
Don't take me wrong, but one of the main reasons why I bought VSL was the fact that it was available for GS, allowing me to edit the patches on the sample-level.
There are not much, but there were some broken samples in my First Edition which needed either to be edited (in most cases my Wavelab Declicker allready did the job), or completely altered with a pitched neighbour-note.
In case for the VI's:
What if we come across a "bad" sample ? We would be stuck with it, cause there's no way to edit those patches on the sample-level, right ?
.......well, the same dillemma as with EWQLSO.... [:'(]
I've read this topic with much interest, and as excited as I am about those new things, I'm also a bit dissapointed.....
Don't take me wrong, but one of the main reasons why I bought VSL was the fact that it was available for GS, allowing me to edit the patches on the sample-level.
There are not much, but there were some broken samples in my First Edition which needed either to be edited (in most cases my Wavelab Declicker allready did the job), or completely altered with a pitched neighbour-note.
In case for the VI's:
What if we come across a "bad" sample ? We would be stuck with it, cause there's no way to edit those patches on the sample-level, right ?
.......well, the same dillemma as with EWQLSO.... [:'(]