As I said before, you can fine-tune your patches to a certain degree - what you can't do is go down to sample level to change single sounds. For every cell of a Matrix, there's a volume control, as well as faders for delay, ADSR, and release delay. And the Performance control (which works on all the loaded Matrices) also offers a filter and other goodies which can be assigned to Midi controllers so that you can change certain parameters during performance.
So in the end it's a sophisticated preset sample player... ??
This is not the way I'm making music.
How often the only way to fine tune a phrase was adjusting a single
sample just to the needs of this phrase... to detune it slightly..
to change the release time of a single sample... this can make a
phrase really sounding "perfect".
No patch can be so "perfect" that it can foresee what I want to do.
On the other hand everybody will basically use the same articulations on the
same patches. This might result in more uniform output than using the same library ever was.
Of course the latter is pure speculation by me.
But I'm not convinced that I need VI [:)]
P.S. In the end all this is a perfect opportunity for me to purchase
the pro edition for a good price... thank you VSL!
(I'm serious here..)