@cm said:
we will keep up the *good habit* to ask you to register your VIENNA KEY number besides your products. this will give us and you the option to re-create licenses in case a dongle dies or get's lost.
this is a reply to myself because it seems this statement gets misinterpreted by a few users.
1) a key dies (no longer recognized for some reason, locked by a pending license, similar case)
1a) the key is within the quarantee (depends on local regulation): we will replace the key + licenses (P&P might apply)
1b) the key is out of quarantee: we will replace licenses (a small handling fee might apply)
2) a key is damaged (smashed, scorched): we will replace licenses (a small handling fee might apply)
for both cases we need of course to proof the issue, means the key has to be returned to us or a distributor. contact us before returning the key to someone if more than one vendor is involved (eg. steinberg, tascam, VSL, others)
3) the key is stolen: this should usually be covered by your insurance but in case you are not insured and can proof the issue (eg. reported to police) ask our sales department for a special offer. this will be handled individually case by case. if you notify us about the issue we can lock the license for further transfers, but we don't have access to the license as long as it is used *offline*. a handling fee might apply.
4) the key is lost or misplaced: with some contracts this might be covered by an insurance, but we cannot offer very much to you except confirming which licenses are on the key (if you have registered it), lock the licenses for further transfers and look if someone tried that already.
for the latter two cases we can re-create the licenses, but i didn't assume someone would expect to receive a replacement for free ...
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.