thx to all of you...
@martin: I feel very honoured that my little tune made you think about it so intensively!
I'm glad you like it and I was nearly terryfied how right you are with all you said. I think I can comprehend EVERY point you mentioned.
Yes... these oom pah pahs [[[[[[:)]]]]]] I really didn't know what type of a tune I wanted to do. I just wanted to let it flow and be inspired by those samples. It's not really a filmtune and it's not just a piece of music... I think it lies in the middle.
In the beginning I wanted to do just a little waltz and therefore I used the tuba playing the typical basspart. And god knows I'm a very lazy guy [[[[[[:)]]]]]]
Then it got boring (!) to let this song (may I use the term song, though there are no vocals? [:)] continue like this. I just wanted to try out how the clarinet-perfleg behaves when playing fast lines. And so I changed the character of it. The silent part wasn't planned at first. But then I doodled low chords using the doublebass-sound on my keyboard and liked the warmth of it and then decided to work a little on the arrangement and do a silent part.
Like that the rest of the song created itself. At the end I wanted to return to the waltz-feel. Sorry for another set of oom pah pahs [;)]
I am in a process of learning orchestration. I good friend of mine uses to point out my mistakes and shows me how to do better. I think I am at the stage of an orchestration-padawan that starts to realize what an orchestra is for, but I am far away of knowing how to do good orchestrations. So my possibilities for changing the arrangement in order to let the song be more diversified are now quite limited.
I appreciate all your hints and clues (from all of you) so much and I am very enthusiastic that you like this waltz.
One word to the lines that leave no gaps. Yes... that's a main problem of my nature [[[[[[:)]]]]]] I sometimes use too many lines in too short time. So the song might be jumbled up at some parts. I will work on it [[[[[[:)]]]]]]
One last word to the winds' volume:
I called the tune "Be nice to Clara". It's kind of a wordplay. The dominant instrument is the clarinet... (because I LOVE that perf-legato-sound of it)
in german: "Klarinette" !swap!
german: "nette Klara"
english: "nice Clara" [[[[[[:)]]]]]]
The clarinet has a preferential position. So i wanted it to be dominant in sound.
I should really work on the rest of the mix and arrangement! And I will do when I have time again. I hope this week!
Long post [[[[[[:)]]]]]]
Thank you very much again for your words! [:)]