The product info of Synchron Smart Orchestra reads "Crossgrade pricing from Synchron Collections". What do you need to own to get a reduction?
The price is still 245€. I had Synchron Strings Pro, Solo Cello and Solo Violin before and just bought Synchron Brass. The price did not change. I will buy Synchron Woodwinds and Percussion later when the are on sale...shouldn't the price for the Smart Orchestra be already reduced and not at the regular price of 245€?
Synchron Smart Orchestra: crossgrade price?
@LeanderAT said:
The product info of Synchron Smart Orchestra reads "Crossgrade pricing from Synchron Collections". What do you need to own to get a reduction?
The price is still 245€. I had Synchron Strings Pro, Solo Cello and Solo Violin before and just bought Synchron Brass. The price did not change. I will buy Synchron Woodwinds and Percussion later when the are on sale...shouldn't the price for the Smart Orchestra be already reduced and not at the regular price of 245€?Hi Leander,
You haven't registered eligible libraries yet, that's why you can't see a discount for the Synchron Smart Orchestra:
The performances of the ensembles and percussion were taken from these libraries:
- Tutti Strings, Violin & Cello Ensemble Legato: Synchron Duality Strings
- Tutti Brass: Big Bang Orchestra Altair - Section Essentials
- Tutti Woodwinds: Big Bang Orchestra Neptune - Tutti Woodwinds
- Tutti Choir: Big Bang Orchestra Ganymede - Choirs
- Unpitched Percussion: Synchron Percussion I
Best, Michael
In today's video
it is said that "Synchron Smart Orchestra" will be released in the first quarter of 2025. However, there is already a library with the same name (the one I asked my question for). What is the difference between the Synchron Smart Orchestra currently in the studio section of the product page and the upcoming Synchron Smart Orchestra coming in early 2025?
@LeanderAT said:
@michi Do you know if the library talked about in the video will be something completely new or only an update to https://www.vsl.co.at/products/synchron/smart-orchestra ?
Herb himself explained this pretty comprehensive: additional instruments and further development of the software player.
Best, Michael
Hi Michi,
I think it does make sense to consider the users of Smart Hits and Spheres for at least an additional rebate … and if those should have some of the big products … you should consider a free upgrade.
A Question … For the mentioned users … do they have to install the Samples again or will existing Samples of already purchased products be used for the presets (means no double Installation)?
Thanks and Greetings,