I just spent hours troubleshooting my VE Pro template for all VSL SY libraries. The issue was that some notes (about 4-10 dependent on the instrument ) were not sounding when I used my keyboard.
The instrument range had three sections on my keyboard left, the low notes side, all OK then a small section without sound and then a section which was OK again till the highest sounding note. Looking at the SY Player keyboard in the plugin while playing, the none sounding keys seemed to activate the key switches which according to the SY player should have been on the far right outside the playing range C5-F4.
I now found the culprit. The VSL Cubase expression maps I downloaded in the Vienna Assistant have several remote entries in the playing range of the instrument. See the attached screenshot for violins from SY Pro Strings.
If I remove these all works fine.
Is this an error in the map or is there something wrong with my Cubase settings? A middle C issue (I have C3 in the SY Player)?