Context. I compose in Dorico and I need to process the audio in Cubase while I'm working (for reasons not relevant here).
I have both my DAWs synchronized via midi timecode to start and stop at the same time. Works perfectly.
Dorico is set up to send MIDI to VEP and play my Synchron library. Works perfectly.
I was hoping to set up Cubase to take the audio output of my Synchron instrument from VEP and play it into an audio track using the VE Pro 7 Audio Input plugin.
I can load the plugin and get Cubase to talk to VEP correctly BUT I can't get it to see the instance I've set up to play MIDI coming from Dorico.
E.g. In Dorico I have my Flute 1 in a VEP instance called Woodwinds set to send audio on Output 1 and 2. In Cubase I can't get VEP to connect to the Woodwinds instance of VEP so I can access the audio being sent out of Woodwinds Output 1 & 2.
Is there a way for me to set up VEP to achieve what I'm looking for?
Any assistance greatly appreciated....