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  • 1st Violins Marcato/Sfz articulation crossfade out of order

    Hello. It seems that the 1st violins marcato/sfz articulation's crossfade in my installation has the middle and loud samples reversed. If I play a note and move the mod wheel from lowest to highest the sound gets loudest in the middle region and then a quieter when moved all the way up. This causes an unnatural and counter intuitive way to use this articulation with controller curves. 2nd Violins act as expected. Has anyone else noticed or experienced this? Is there a way for me to address and resolve this issue? Maybe I made a change somewhere that caused this and I don't know what or where? It seems hard to believe that if this is universal no one else would have noticed and addressed it here but I can't find anything about it.

    Any advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hello @Kregg,

    Please tell us which product this is about and which articulation exactly. Thanks!

    Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
  • This is Synchron Strings 1st Violins Long notes/Regular Vib./Normal release/Marcato/sfz

    and Dynamics/Sforzato articulations.



  • @Kregg Synchron Strings 1 or Synchron Strings Pro?

    Just a beginner
  • Synchron Strings Pro

  • More to the articulation than I realized. Ok so Synchron Strings Pro - 1st Violins-14 Pro XF Marcato/sfz

  • Although this is old and has not been addressed. I found that reloading the original Synchron Strings Pro 1st Violins-14 Pro VelXF solved the issue. I had been working with a saved user version because it contained all custom settings.

    So now I am left wondering what I did that reversed the medium and loud samples in my user preset. Anyone have any ideas?