Issue: I encounter CPU spikes and audio dropouts in Cubase 13 when playing a simple project with two VIs connected to VE Pro.
I am demoing MIR Pro 3D and the Powerhouse add-on. The system is a Mac Pro M2 Ultra. When enabling GPU Power in MIR Pro 3D, the Cubase project starts playing a single MIDI track with a VE Pro instance. The moment a second instrument plays, the CPU in Cubase spikes and an audible pop is heard.
The above does not occur with the GPU Power in MIR disabled.
Has anyone experienced similar issues? The demo project in Cubase is very simple, just two instrument tracks coming from VE Pro as a test. I haven't even loaded any larger project yet, so this is surprising.
Would love to see if this is a specific issue on my setup, or a known issue with a workaround. I'd love to make use of the extra GPU processing on this system.