I also use VEPro for all channels I have two instruments with 7 or 8 microphone channels per instance.
I am using the Dolby Atmos Composer (DAC] in Cubase for several reasons. Although a bit unusual, I wanted to directly use the multichannel instrument tracks in the internal Cubase Dolby Atmos renderer rather than each time bouncing all tracks to audio before exporting to an ADM BWF file. Unfortunately, the Cubase internal renderer does not correctly export instrument tracks to an ADM BWF file. All the object panning is lost in the export. It is a bug as both Logic’s Atmos export to ADM BWF and the DAC can correctly export instrument tracks maintaining their panning. I reported the bug in the Steinberg Cubase forum as well as using a contact ticket but no response whatsoever till now.
What is also interesting is that DAC is not limited to 7.1.4 and a 7.1.2 bed. You can setup all in 9.1.6 and then monitor in the setup in your studio and at the same time listen to a binaural down mix using headphones. Furthermore DAC also has a possibility to check your master loudness and peak level and check before exporting and it can also load and master ADM BWF files. The only missing functionality is that it cannot generate mp4 files and check Apple spacial audio rendering (but it was announced for the next version).
The integration of the Spacelab 3D reverb with DAC is basically automatic but it can also be used with the internal renderers of Cubase and Logic. I very much like the way you can define the location of all objects as well as the listener position using x,y,z coordinates in a room of about 18x13x8.5 cubic meters. Based on the location of each object impulse responses are calculated to add reverb based on each object signal if so desired (dry/wet ratio). It can be tweaked with a lot of different parameters both for the object rendering as well as for the room character. It also includes a spacial EQ.