Hi Andy Thank you for the very nice tool.
Some issues I encountered:
- SY Strings Pro - The template loads the XF Sus presets but the expression maps have CC2 activated. So the template should either load the Velocity presets which I think is the preference or the expression maps should be changed.
- In most expression maps velocity and CC2 or CC1 are used however in the loaded SY player these CC are not activated. So you have to manually do this for all instruments. I am not sure if this activation might not be saved with the template as I mostly use my Synchron and Synchronized libraries through VEPro. There there is no issue all are preloaded with the CC activated.
- I have always understood that when you load a preset in the SY player for an instrument CC7 is set to balance the instrument in the full orchestra. For example SY Brass - Horn 1 is CC7 set to 67 while Trumpet 1 has CC7=90. Dorico has issues with this as it will reset CC7 to 100 when it starts playing. So in my template I have modified all my instruments to have CC3 instead of CC7 as master volume. In the Dorico wizard all loaded instruments are now set to CC7=100. Does this mean they are not balanced anymore?