I just recieved the VSL Pro edition. Epic Horns, and Glass and Stone. My 2 custom built computers should arrive today!!. I 'm now broke but stoked! I intend on running VSL and Horizon only on the two new comps in Giga 3.1x. I have an older 2.54 Giga computer that will run everything but VSL and Horizon stuff. My Sequencer is Pro Tools or Digital Performer on a dual 2.5 mac. NOW FOR THE QUESTIONS!
1. Registering the Performance Tool on both of the new comps. What when and how?
2. Spread the Library out over the 2 comps Like ,say, Strings&Percussion on one comp, and Horns&Woodwinds on the other? Or Load the whole VSL Pro set on both computers, in case one goes down or I need to do a massive string section requiring both computers? ( although each comp is supposed to give me 500+ pylophony!)
3. Load the Cube on one Computer and Load the Performance Set on the other? In this case where to put the Horizon Stuff?
Any organizational tips welcome. Thanks
1. Registering the Performance Tool on both of the new comps. What when and how?
2. Spread the Library out over the 2 comps Like ,say, Strings&Percussion on one comp, and Horns&Woodwinds on the other? Or Load the whole VSL Pro set on both computers, in case one goes down or I need to do a massive string section requiring both computers? ( although each comp is supposed to give me 500+ pylophony!)
3. Load the Cube on one Computer and Load the Performance Set on the other? In this case where to put the Horizon Stuff?
Any organizational tips welcome. Thanks