A prime example of what I'm trying to do is to comply with the "viel Bogen wecheln" (plenty of bow changes) score markings for Vn1, Vn2 and Va in the last 10 bars of Mahler 5.IV (Edition Peters), where, for instance, Vn1 hold A6 for about 4 or 5 seconds while re-bowing a lot.
There appears to be a multitude of different combinations of Dimension Tree selections and Edit settings that offer some semblance of what I'm looking for. Of course I'm after an optimal selection, but without knowing what's going on under the hood, and without doing hours and hours of exploratory testing, I'm a bit reluctant to make a choice that would - hopefully - serve now and in my future work with Duality.
I have 5 binaurally separated sound sources in my mix for each of the 5 String sections (i.e. 25 Synchron Players for strings), and my method so far involves breaking a relevant MIDI note into various different shorter periods for each of my instrument sound sources - all short enough to trigger the alternative patches (as seen in the Edit graphics), and with no gaps between these fake shorter notes. Some of these fake shorter notes are roughly 1/8 notes, other are a bit longer.
I'm getting some sort of results with many of the Dimension selections in both Long and Perf. Legato, but have no idea where some of these selections are technically no different to one another - because that's how they're deliberately edited - or where some are, potentially at least, technically and sonically better than others.
There's a large number of combinations that seem to be reasonable candidates for simulating re-bowing, but of course it would be nice to know which of them can render, for technical reasons, the best results.
Perhaps someone at VSL and/or a user might already know an effective method for simulating this particular strings playing technique? I'd be grateful for a bit of help on this.