1) Dorico pro 5 updated.
2) SYNCHRON-ized SOLO STRINGS / violin
3) VSL expression map for SYNCHRON-ized SOLO STRINGS.
4) All matches. Writing an artificial harmonic transformed by Dorico from a note. The right keyswitches are in the Expression map, and the Synchron player shows the same keyswitches. All playing techniques work.
5) But nothing activates for harmonics.
It seems that writing harmonics in Dorico doesn't give an order via the Expression map.
How can I check this? Or am I forgetting something....
Update: I've found it. You have to use the preset: basic + simple velocity, without XF. Otherwise it won't work. But it doesn't say so in the documentation, unless I'm mistaken. I found this on an Andi thread in 2022.