Yesterday I upgraded Synchron Player from 1.3.810 to 1.3.1137. Immediately after, I found that while playing a project in Logic Pro X 10.7.9 on Monterey (MacOS 12.7.1), Logic would play through once, but if I stopped the play and started playback again, there was no longer any audio output (though my audio device still appears in system settings and in Logic). I tried rebooting the audio interface, rebooting the machine, restarting Logic, restarting my MIDI devices, changing USB cable, using a USB-C instead of USB A, plugging into a powered USB hub instead of direct to the Mac, etc. The problem persisted.
Today I downgraded back to Synchron 1.3.810, and immediately the problem went away. Unfortunately, I saved my project before downgrading. When opening the project again with 1.3.810 reinstalled, all my Synchron instruments in the project are empty -- i.e., the player shows no sample library selected. Fortunately, I was able to reconstruct it from a saved copy by copying new MIDI regions over, but I'm guessing the save format has changed as well, so that files saved with the new Synchron version can't be loaded properly with old versions.
FOR THE SYNCHRON DEVELOPERS: I did find one web page stating that this problem can occur when "samples with very large magnitudes or even inf or nan values are sent to the audio driver". I encourage you to check Synchron 1.3.1137 to see if it is emitting inf or NaN values, as these may be causing problems for some audio drivers.
My machine: Apple Studio 2022 M1 Ultra 128 GB RAM. Audio: Axe FX III USB.