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  • Changing Mac


    I am going to receive my new MacBook M3

    Do I need to do anything on my old Macbook 2019 before launching the Migration Assistant on my M3

    Do I need to do anything after on my M3

    Thanks for your help


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    I have received THE BEAST

    As nobody could help me I went thru, not so simple.

    My configuration is specific, my main SSD is devided into partitions,

    • one for Mac OS
    • one for the samples
    • one for photos
    • one for Final Cut

    File transfer from my old Macpro 2019

    I have connect my two Macpro toogether with a Thunderbolt cable. If you use the USB C cable the transfer is quite slow.

    I have run Migration Assistant it only transfered my partition for Mac OS.

    So I had to transfer the other partitions amnualy

    When I transfert the VSL directory it went quite fast ; 1.5 TB in 43 minutes

    When it was time to tranfer the rest of my libs (about 630 GB) it took ages, I had 8 days on the counter !

    So I cancel the tranfer and spoke with Apple, they told me to use an external Disk ! it was done in about 3 hours

    I do not understand why this transfer was said to took 8 days !!!!!!!! I have to check on that ! Apple's explication is that VSL have big files so they transfer fast.

    The Music apps :

    You need to re-install Ilok software.

    You need to deauthorize on your old Mac all libs in Ilok (select all and select de-authorize in the top menu bar) and re-autorize them on your new Mac (select all and select authorize in the top menu bar)

    Running Vienna Assistant it is asking to install Roseta !! strange ! but it finds your libs with no problem.

    You need to re-install the softare of VSL like MIR ....

    I had to go thru all the other libs installer to lauch the M3 version when availlable and check the path of there libs

    I have notice that there is an new process : AUHostingServices

    It is said on

    The “AUHosting….” only comes up when you have Logic running in native Apple Silicon mode and you’re at the same time running plugins which are only Rosetta compatible from inside Logic running natively (if that makes sense)

    The problem is now to find what plug-ins runs in Roseta mode to update them.

    Mir Pro 3D is not very stable, I had to crashes just changing instruments width

    Hope this help

    Think to reserve about two days to migrate.

    Now it is fabulous my Macbook pro M3 does not take off 😀 no noise !

    Next step is Dolby Atmos

  • Hi Cyril, thanks for sharing your experience. How much CPU do you have? I am presently having some issues with a full Synchron orchestra WW, Brass, Piano, Timpani, some pitched and unpitched Percussion and Strings in Dorico with 64 GB. The same piece imported in Logic as midi also has some CPU peak click and sometimes an overload.

    When I set up my new MBP M1Max some time ago I decided to download all libraries afresh from the vendor website. That went definitely faster than 8 days and I hve 3.5 TB instrument libraries. This small file transfer issue is indeed very annoying. I wonder what happens if you zip and number od files then transfer and subsequently unzip.

    I am not sure if the info about AUHosting is fully correct. All my libraries work in Cubase and Dorico, which do not have a mixed mode like Logic. So they are all VST3 and native mode compatiple but I still have the AUHosting running.

  • Before you [@cyril Blanc] go any further it is possible that you have migrated trouble by using Migration assistant from an Intel machine to a M3. Most people moving from intel to Mseries have done clean installs to avoid possible issues. You've already indicated that you are having a problem with MIR Pro.

    It might be wiser to reformat and start a clean install. If you do do that you may also want to consider whether you actually need to partition your internal drive these days it doesn't really offer any benefits.

    Just a beginner
  • HI

    I have also hit a problem with Kontakt

    In My Logic files the AU used is Kontakt 5, I had to replace my AU with Kontakt 7 so they work again

    The Mir Pro crash happend two or three times with no lost. I have ouf course re-install Mir

    Doing a Clean Install will need at least a week if not more of work as I use my MBP for Music, Video editing, mail and office work and I am a Mac user since Atari stoped.

    I am going to do some cleaning and leave all my old files, except the Libs, on my old MBP 2019 so my wife can use it.

    I have always organize my Mac with Partitions since 19.. I do not mix carotts and peas 😀

    Being a software developper since the "punch card" I have been told that It is better to have files in continuous blocks.

    As the VSL instruments files are not changing much they should be on continious blocks. That could explain that the file transfer was very quick with them !

    I@rAC said:

    It might be wiser to reformat and start a clean install. If you do do that you may also want to consider whether you actually need to partition your internal drive these days it doesn't really offer any benefits.

    @Mavros said:

    Hi Cyril, thanks for sharing your experience. How much CPU do you have? I am presently having some issues with a full Synchron orchestra WW, Brass, Piano, Timpani, some pitched and unpitched Percussion and Strings in Dorico with 64 GB. The same piece imported in Logic as midi also has some CPU peak click and sometimes an overload.

    When I set up my new MBP M1Max some time ago I decided to download all libraries afresh from the vendor website. That went definitely faster than 8 days and I hve 3.5 TB instrument libraries. This small file transfer issue is indeed very annoying. I wonder what happens if you zip and number od files then transfer and subsequently unzip.

    I am not sure if the info about AUHosting is fully correct. All my libraries work in Cubase and Dorico, which do not have a mixed mode like Logic. So they are all VST3 and native mode compatiple but I still have the AUHosting running.

    Zipping the other libraries is a very good idea.

    Do you have your libs on an external SSD ?

    I have 128 GB of memory and an 8TB internal SSD

    I have run Black Magic Disk test speed an I got :

    It is strange that the write speed is faster than the read speed, it should be the contrary ? this with 1 and 2 GB block size ; I have to talk with Apple !

    For the AuHosting, I am not shure of my analyse, but I have edit "the files open" of the process and found a lot of AU inside.

    Somebody said that this process is the Rosetta for Logic !

    I also have a process : AUHostingCompatibilityService (Logic Pro) (13616)

    This is huge VM 408 GB

    I saw K5 in there

    VSL told me that Vienna Assistant run in Roseta.

    Maybe a VSL guru can chime on this.

  • Hi!

    Yes, the Vienna Assistant is not running natively. For the time being, it will stay intel-based.


    VSL Team | Product Specialist & Media Editing
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    @Andreas8420 said:


    Yes, the Vienna Assistant is not running natively. For the time being, it will stay intel-based.


    Hi Andreas

    This is not a big deal if there is no interaction when you use VSL ! but why dont you convert it ?

    Can you explain the AUhosting processes ?

    Is Logic calling the Vienna Assistant routines to check the permissions ?




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    I had a session yesterday with my singer and we run into a few problems.

    Why do I have two instance of MIR PRO running ?

    I was checking the final mix of the 3 pieces I work on since a few month.

    So we took the pieces one after one.

    MIR PRO ,running in Logic, does not like to change piece, I had to "force quit" it and Logic a few times

    This morning I was doing the corrections ; same !

    Is it a M3 behavior ?