of course you can make any of stage a pianos sound tight and intimate but that's not the case only
in stage b pianos, you can immediately hear the roundness and the fundemental characters and you can even feel the piano vibrating in front of you, i can hear the hammer's attack with the 280vc within the actual samples (without any mechanical noise added)
i'm not dare to say you "can't" hear them with the stage A ones but there's a significant difference - lots of users want to feel like they're in their own living room with the piano and that's what i'm talking about😊
@VTohier-Composer said:
Hello everyone,
Even if I think that with all the customization you can do on the Stage A D-274 to make it intimate, as a pianist, I wouldn't be against such an idea.
Like, "have your Steinway Deutsche Gramofon sound ready out of the box" ?