I have recently had the problem that I can no longer insert a channel with Vienna Instruments Pro using the "Insert a new Vienna Instruments Pro after this channel" function. This is followed by the "Plugin Error" message with the content "Toolkit - Could not open plugin". It is still possible to manually insert VIPro into a plug-in channel, but when I save the project, close VEPro7 in the meantime, restart it and open the project again, the VIPro instances are not loaded. Instead, the insert field displays "! VI !" in red (see screenshot).
I have gone through the usual troubleshooting measures, including reinstalling both software (through Vienna Assistant, not manually). It didn't not help. The only assumption I have left is that it could be related to the installation of MIR Pro 3D. It's only since I installed it that the problem exists. For this reason I have also reinstalled this software. There may be a causality here, but it doesn't have to be.
Here are a few important facts:
Operating system: Windows 10 Home 64bit
DAW: Cubase 12 Pro, latest version
Version of VEPro7: 7.3.3388
VIPro version:
EDIT: I loaded an old template as a test, and the error also occurs here, but "! VI Pro !" and not simply "! VI !" is displayed in red. This is interesting, because I have only installed the Pro version. This is interesting, because I have only installed the Pro version. Why is Vienna Instruments Pro now simply displayed as "VI"? Is it because the simple version is no longer offered separately free of charge to the previously chargeable Pro version? The latter is now free and the only version offered.