I have a question about CC2 Velocity-Xfade in the VI pro player - does it override the given note velocity value ?
For example, in my 25S VC-8 legato cello patch, the two velocity layers are 0-88p and 89-127f. Say I have a legato cello line in which all the note velocities are 75. If I then enter a CC2 velocity-xfade crescendo curve that moves over the 88/89 boundary, does the xfade override my chosen velocity of 75 to access the the forte samples as the curve climbs?
I have tried doing a test just to see what it sounds like, which is fine, but I notice in the top left corner of the VI player the velocity histogram, which the manual calls the received velocity, stays in the same range as my chosen value.
So when my xfade curve climbs over the 88/89 boundary, is it playing back from the 89-127 samples rather than the 0-88 samples, which is what it sounds like?