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  • Resetting preset of the instrument of the venue in MIR PRO 3D


    I experiment MIR PRO with setting all the instrument's volume to 0dB in MIR PRO 3D and setting volume in Logic

    I would like to reset the volume of all the instruments to their default value and set them to 0dB in Logic

    Is it possible to do than with just a command* ? did not find it in the manual.




    * I have 71 instruments in the venue so it is a long work

    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • Either double-click individually on the fader of each Instrument Icon shown in the Instrument List on the left, or use this work-around:


    The necessary steps are also listed in the video's description field.

    Hope that helped!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hello Dietz

    That you very much but it set all instrument to the same value. I would like to reset all the instruments with all  original parameters value.

    Best regards



    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • What is the "original value" you're referring to? Natural Volume? Or a setting you saved in a Venue Preset?

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • when you assign for the 1st time an instrument i.e. a trumpet, Mir is putting it in the venue and sets it's orientation and .... .....

    On attachement you will find the venue configuration I use




    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • I don't really understand what the screenshot is supposed to show, but I strongly assume that you want to recall MIR's "Natural Volumes" for Vienna Instruments. You can either recall the respective Venue Preset and make sure that only Volume it applied (deselect all other parameters in the right bottom selection area), or you simply select one instrument after the other in the list on the left side by means of the cursor buttons and click the Natural Volume button in the panel on the right.



    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hello Dietz

    I have start experimenting 7.1.4 this morning, looks great 

    Thank you very much for the instruction for resetting the volume of the instrument, it is working fine.

    How can you also reset the angle, the placement and the width ?

    If you have a group of instrument like "Flutes" will you group then on a bus before going to MIR ?

    As in Logic you have Dolby Atmos do you need DearVR too ?

    I have show to my singer Paul's video, she is very impress too, so we will put the 5 songs we are working on  in surround

    Thanks in advance for your answers

    Kind regards


    MacBook Pro M3 MAX 128 GB 8TB - 2 x 48" - 1 x 27" screen --- Logic Pro --- Mir Pro 3D Dolby Atmos --- Most of the VI libs, a few Synch... libs --- Quite a few Kontakt libs --- CS80 fanatic
  • @Cyril Blanc said in [Resetting preset of the instrument of the venue in MIR PRO 3D](/post/317049):

    How can you also reset the angle, the placement and the width ?

    Yes, same workflow as with Volume.

    @Another User said in [Resetting preset of the instrument of the venue in MIR PRO 3D]:

    If you have a group of instrument like "Flutes" will you group then on a bus before going to MIR ?

    If you want to treat them as an ensemble, that will work. If they are meant as soloists, it's certainly better to process them in individual instances of MIR 3D.[/quote]

    @Another User said in [Resetting preset of the instrument of the venue in MIR PRO 3D]:

    As in Logic you have Dolby Atmos do you need DearVR too ?

    Like I wrote before: You don't "need" DearVR Monitor to work in 3D, it's just a very convenient, great-sounding and platform-independent tool to _listen_ to your work on headphones. And you don't "need" Dear VR Pro (which is a different plug-in meant for spatialisation) to mix in 3D, especially if you already use MIR 3D.

    For Logic-specific questions please get in contact with Apple support. 


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library