I am using Dorico 4 Pro with the current VSL for Dorico expression maps. I have a short exercise that uses VSL Solo Strings. And I am using the VSL Solo Strings playback template. The Solo Violin Basic Velocity VF sus patch plays the score correctly. But when I switch to using the Solo Violin FULL VelXF sus patch, suddenly Im hearing slurs played back as tremolos. What the heck is going on? :)
VSL for Dorico-Slurs triggering tremolo in Violin Full VelXF sus patch
Hello lasvideo!
The SYNCHRON-ized Solo Strings expression maps for Dorico are prepared to work with the basic presets. If you use the playback template, these presets get loaded automatically. The expression maps don't work correctly with the full presets. I recommend staying with the basic presets when working with Dorico.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library