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  • last update of VEP Pro 7 don't receive Program changes

    Hello there,

    after the last update Vep Pro 7, loaded with some Synchron players, don't receive Program Changes (Px) from Sibelius ultimate anymore.

    Other controls like ~CC works at usual.

    I've reinstalled both programs but the issue persists.

    Any help are very welcome

    Mac Studio, Monterey.


  • Hi there,

    Hi do have the same problem but I'm not sure if it comes from VEP 7 updates or Synchron player update. Program changes do get transmitted to VI instruments, but not to the Synchron player.

    Not pressure intended, but could we get feedback from the team, because the situation makes the studio unworkable.


  • Hi, exactly the same here. VI Pro works fine.

    I have two studios that are mirrored (same Macs, same Osx, same apps and plugins) in two different locations.     In the one without update everything works, the other, as you said, is pretty unworkable. Both with Sibelius and Pro Tools.  I've done a "rollback" to the previous version (from Vienna Assistant is possible) but the issue persists.          I contacted the support but other than advising the rollback procedure they didn't support me too much.          This issue stress me a lot and I hope in a solution asap.


  • Hi Bat,

    Did you also update the Synchron player? If yes, did you try reverting to an older version like you did with VEP7?



  • Hi Vox, yes the same for VEP7, Synchron and even MIR



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    We're in shit! 😐

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    😃 I'm afraid so, but there must be a solution. If it's a bug, an update will come

  • Hello Bat and Vox!

    We were able to reproduce the problem and will look into it. In the meantime you could try to roll back to the Synchron Player version that you have had installed previously. This can be done with Vienna Assistant.

    Sorry for the inconvenience that this may have caused.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Bat and Andi,

    It worked but I had to roll back the Synchron player to the 1.2.229 version.



  • Hi Vox and Andi,

    It worked also for me, I think I rollback to version 1.3.220 but the plugin shows a 1.2.197

    Anyway we can work again. That's what matters.

    Thanks, cheers


  • Hi, 

    Quick update: We're already looking into this, a fix will be in one of the next updates!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:


    Quick update: We're already looking into this, a fix will be in one of the next updates!


  • Hi,

    I am not sure if I know what the problem is because I am not using VEPro 7 server with my Mac M1, but I don't think VST3 supports Program Change.

    That is one of the drawbacks of VST3.

  • Hi, 

    Please check with the latest version of Synchron Player, available in your Vienna Assistant!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • BenB Ben moved this topic from Vienna Instruments Pro on