Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • The pain... Apple just announced M2 Ultra machines yet I'm still running Rosetta...

    I know the devs are working hard, but man the wait is just too long...

  • Yup, 8 CPU releases now (plus the DTK).  And yet we are all gonna reward VSL when it does come out by giving them our money.

    Really wish there was a viable alternative at this point...


    And yes I've checked out AudioGrinder, but I've invested so much time and thought into my VEP rig that redoing all of that work with a company that is just getting started seems risky.


    Maybe in a couple years I'll switch.  Definitely feel left out to dry by VSL right now.

  • I agree 100% I am absolutely shocked! Beta testers (who are friends) are using the silicon version of this product flawlessly! Yet, there is no option for us to at least jump into that version. And even more no clear communication other than we are working on it. I look forward to the day VEP is not needed because computers can handle the task. 

  • It's hard to be too sympathetic to VSL. We're now 3 years removed from the developer release of the M1 chip (WWDC20 in June, 2020). As a software company that makes software for Mac, you'd have to think that they'd have been aware of developer previews of a new chip. I'm sure they were. Even if they weren't, though, the M1 was released to the public in Nov, 2020. That's two and a half years ago. If it was important to VSL, they'd surely have completed the update by now. Yes, it's hard to refactor programs to work with a new chipset, but 2 1/2 to 3 years is a long time in developer time. My guess is that, although this group of users really wants VEP, we are a small group. As a business, VSL is probably more interested in growing their sample library business. I'm sure there's a much larger customer base there.

    Apologies if this has been said - I can't read the whole thread. I too have been waiting all this time, sadly. 

  • I gave up on waiting for VEPro.  VEP only hosts samples on one PC slave now (standalone version, not the server).  The other runs Cantabile.  I moved to digital audio I/O and network/RTP midi to connect my M1 Mac to both PCs.  It works very well, is very stable, and I can stay 100% M1 native with DP, Logic, ProTools or Nuendo without worrying about VEP plugin/server M1 compatibility, and processing overhead is lower.  

    I made the switch from PC to Mac this year specifically to run DP, and it made zero sense to step backwards in speed and buy an Intel Mac just to stick with VEP, especially with M2s already on the horizon at the time.  

    Sorry VSL, but 3 years really is too long.  We have work to do, and little time to make these major changes.

  • I am fed up with checking this thread every morning. How long does it take now? Please please let us know. We are too tired of hearing "we are working on it."!!!

  • Lots of pro users just ordered the M2 Studios.

    VSL: "Hey guys, sorry that the new shining expensive machine you just bought would have to take a performance hit because we still have not updated our software, and there's nothing you can do about it."

    So frustrating...

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    @dmansfield said:

    I see there is a new VSL Pro 7 update, v7.2.1526, and there is something in the notes about this version being a preparation for Silicon. Could you give us more information?

    I would skip that version if your are using the MAS version. I'm getting a lot of clicks and cuttoffs with just one track playing (with my buffer set to the max 2048.) Just unusable on my system. Reverting back. Hopefully the proper native M1 is ready soon, long time coming.


    Thanks Paul! I am just so happy that you are taking the AS update so seriously and will provide us with a version ASAP. I see a lot of complaints, but I really don't think we are entitled to anything. I am just thankful that you are doing a native AS version to continue making our (template) lives easier with VEP!

    I know it's been taking a while, and it's a bummer for earlier adaptors. But we knew that VEP wasn't native and had no date for when it would be. So I really don't think anyone can complain.

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    @dmansfield said:

    I see there is a new VSL Pro 7 update, v7.2.1526, and there is something in the notes about this version being a preparation for Silicon. Could you give us more information?

    I would skip that version if your are using the MAS version. I'm getting a lot of clicks and cuttoffs with just one track playing (with my buffer set to the max 2048.) Just unusable on my system. Reverting back. Hopefully the proper native M1 is ready soon, long time coming.


    Thanks Paul! I am just so happy that you are taking the AS update so seriously and will provide us with a version ASAP. I see a lot of complaints, but I really don't think we are entitled to anything. I am just thankful that you are doing a native AS version to continue making our (template) lives easier with VEP!

    I know it's been taking a while, and it's a bummer for earlier adaptors. But we knew that VEP wasn't native and had no date for when it would be. So I really don't think anyone can complain.

    AS Macs had been shipping for over a year when I bought my M1 Max, so I don't exactly consider myself an early adopter. Apart from VEP virtually all of my plugins could run in my DAW running natively when I bought my AS Mac. VSL's position on VEP's transition to AS in 2021 was nearly the same as it is now. "It's a priority but we can't give you an ETA". A reasonable statement for them to make. The problem is that none of us "early adopters" dreamed it would take this long. VEP is officially pulling up the AS caboose to a train that's been in route coming up on 3 years now. Fortunately AS legitimately seems close now. Fingers crossed we see it this year. 

  • "I know it's been taking a while, and it's a bummer for earlier adaptors. But we knew that VEP wasn't native and had no date for when it would be. So I really don't think anyone can complain."

    Are you joking? 

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    @Paul said:


    We are all waiting for the next great beta version from our development team, they're ironing out a few bugs with VE Pro.
    So I'm PERSONALLY calculating with the next weeks, but I have been wrong before, and this is unfortunately not an official announcement. 



    Six weeks later and no release yet.  Cool...

  • Hi everyone,
    I hope the release will be soon, I've been waiting for months, my patience is coming to an end. Working with VePro MAS, I have to use everything in Rosetta mode and it is tremendously slowing down my system (Studio Ultra). It nearly seems as if I was working on my previous 2010 5.1, very very disappointing. 
    If there had been an alternative for me, I would have switched a long time ago. 
    I am of course ready to pay for the new version.

  • There's no real alternative to VEP and they know that. So why hurry? For me personally this lack of support has led to the decision to never buy any products from them except VEP. Even if I like how some of the libraries sound. 

    I make a living of this and depend on VEP. I produce on Mac, with a PC slave. To change to orchestral templates on one Mac, no VEP, just disabled tracks, would need a Mac computer close to 10.000€. Even if I could afford it, I would not. That's too much money for a computer, especially since I built my PCs myself and know what hardware costs. But PCs as main production computers are not an option, because it means too much time fixing technical problems.

    So - waiting and being at the mercy of those guys.

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    @Eulenauge66 said:

    There's no real alternative to VEP and they know that. So why hurry? For me personally this lack of support has led to the decision to never buy any products from them except VEP. Even if I like how some of the libraries sound. 

    I make a living of this and depend on VEP. I produce on Mac, with a PC slave. To change to orchestral templates on one Mac, no VEP, just disabled tracks, would need a Mac computer close to 10.000€. Even if I could afford it, I would not. That's too much money for a computer, especially since I built my PCs myself and know what hardware costs. But PCs as main production computers are not an option, because it means too much time fixing technical problems.

    So - waiting and being at the mercy of those guys.


    Yup, I'm in the same boat.  My entire income comes from writing music on very tight deadlines.  VEP enables that, and for years I've championed them as one of the best pieces of software on the market.  After 3 YEARS and no update, my trust in the company has been severely shaken.  I think a big part of why people are so upset on here is because we all love VEP so much.  It really is essential.


    Also I did some research and according to Pro Tools Expert, over 70% of audio software companies have the entire lineup running native on Apple Silicon.  So VSL is very much behind the rest of the industry at this point.

  • Furthermore, if they had just updated the bridge plugin and released it as a temporary fix, that would have made 90% of the people on this forum happy.  I would have happily paid for that as a temporary solution to bridge my Mac to my PC.

    But alas, VSL didn't do that.  Maybe recoding the bridge is a lot harder than I'm imagining, nothing we can do about it but keep on waiting...

  • Many pro users I know skipped M1 Studios because they thought everything would be ready at the M2 generation. And many of them just received their new machines last week.

    Welp, sorry guys, you still have to run Rosetta after all these years, thanks to VSL...

    I hope this thread can put some pressure on the devs, although at this point I'm starting to give up.

  • That's it in a nutshell. The communication is staggeringly poor to non-existent.  I was talking with someone at Apple not so long ago working on their audio team and he was flabbergasted a professional piece of software was still using Rosetta. There's so many mixed messages here (not from VSL necessarily) but there's supposedly betas going around....last version before it goes live....etc etc....and I'm like - how is it possible that there's no roadmap and target date if it's in beta? I get alpha and pre-alpha, but c'mon either the damn thing is going to release or not. It's all so ad hoc and checking this thread daily is very boring. I wish they would just learn how to estimate properly. Other companies manage it just fine.

    The number of people who would gladly pay for this upgrade has to be decent, but I guess the return is just too small. Even the product website makes no mention of the absence of silicon support. I'll be surprised if we see it this year, but gosh I hope I'm wrong.

  • Yeah, like I said: No way I would buy anything else than VEP from this company. I was really interested in MIR; but what I've experienced here with VEP made me skip that. I assume they are too small a company or in general decline/ financial trouble. Who knows? And obviously the market is too small for another company to develop something similar (aside from Audio Gridder, which is so far buggy).

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    Still checking this thread every morning.  😢 

    It's 2 years 7months 4 days since release of First m1 machine.

  • Better to check VA

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190