Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • VE Suggestion: On VE launch, option to reload last loaded server project

    It would eliminate a small nuisance to have, as a preference, the option to reload the last used server project when VE launches. Each time I restart my machine I always load VE, and usually want to use the same server project I used in my previous session. For those who don't want this feature, the option could be turned off in Preferences.

  • If you're on Windows and have VE in the Taskbar, you can right click on the icon and choose a recent file to load. I assume there's something similar with MAC

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • And I can select "open recent file". I'm talking about it automatically loading the last loaded server project.