With version 7.1.1427 withdrawn, I did as advised and rolled back to 7.1.1406. Everything worked fine yesterday and earlier today, but all of a sudden the rollback version is crashing frequently. I am running a VSL server template by itself and doing some editing, adding some instances, and using saved channel sets from existing instances to populate them before overwriting channels with Prime presets.
Deleting a channel as part of my editing seems to be the most common trigger for a crash.
I have attached the log file from the crash that just happened.
log.txt-1696490713234-bxctl.txtSynchron - Woods, Brass, Perc I, Str Pro, Elite Str, Duality Str & Sordino, Prime Studio - Woods, Perc, Solo Str, Ch Str, Orch Str, App Str, Harps, Choir Studio Dim - Brass, Strings VE Pro, MIR Pro 3D, Vienna Suite Pro Cubase 14, Studio One 6, Dorico 5