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  • Compatibility with MIR PRO (2D)

    I'm sure this question has already been answered here somewhere, but I just seem to be unable to find the answer... so, here it is: are VEP instance/server project files which use MIR PRO compatible with MIR PRO 3D?

    In other words: would I be able to use my already existing MIR PRO setups (even if I needed to make some modifications to them) with MIR PRO 3D or would these setups be irretrievably lost?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Goran,

    MIR 3D will open projects created with legacy MIR Pro without arguing ;-), no need to worry. Still there are some aspects to keep in mind:

    • MIR 3D is sonically indistinguishable*) from legacy MIR Pro as long as you don't use any of its new features.
    • *) ... indistinguishable, but not bit identical!
    • Projects created with MIR 3D will NOT open in legacy MIR Pro (MIR is upwards-, but not downwards-compatible)
    • MIR 3D and legacy MIR Pro can't co-exist on the same system.
    • If you absolutely need to create bit-identical versions of older projects, it's easy to de-install MIR 3D, replacing it with legacy MIR Pro.
    • MIR 3D relies on its own versions of RoomPacks, but they _can_ co-exist with the legacy RoomPacks, even in the same folder.
    • This is true for both the VE Pro-based and the plug-in version of MIR 3D. 

    If there are more things to clarify, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz,

    thank you very much for your quick reply. 

    Also, (belated) congratulations on the launch of the new generation of MIR!

    I am very much looking forward to working with it.

    All the best,


  • You're welcome! Enjoy MIR 3D. :-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library