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  • Using Mir 3D in standalone mode

    I was trying to use Mir3D in standalone mode but am having trouble figuring it out.  I would like to use VI Pro in standalone mode, connected into Mir3D... is this possible?  

    I’m using a Mac. thanks 

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    MIR 3D is a plug-in, you will need a host. VSL's own Vienna Ensemble was made exactly for the task you have in mind - and even better: it's free! 😊

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply.  What is the point of the standalone app?  Sometimes I’ve had plugins that don’t work properly until they are used in standalone mode, so I thought I’d try to get Mir 3D working that way.  I appreciate knowing that isn’t how it’s done.... but I’m still curious what the app does then

  • Hi Jason,

    that's a valid question, but the answer is actually quite simple: What MIR 3D users perceive as stand-alone app is actually "just" the common GUI for all individual instances. The actual number-crunching happens in the humble little plug-in that gets inserted in the host's channels.

    ... but like I wrote: Vienna Ensemble was created as stand-alone app for both the instruments and the virtual rooms offered by VSL. :-)

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Ok thanks.  I will for sure use the plugin then.  I had assumed the standalone would work and I just couldn’t figure out how, but I can see that it doesn’t function that way.  Thanks for the info!