Has anyone found a way of making LUNA and MIR3D work together ?
I built a Template with about 5 Instantiations of the Synchron Hall.
Hall 1 - Percussion
Hall 2 - Strings
Hall 3 - Wood winds
Hall 4 - Brass
Hall 5 - Saxophones
Each of the instruments was also in a corresponding family Group (Strings/Brass/Woodwinds etc).
No problem getting this to work beautifully during setup and I could drag Groups or individual instruments between the Halls.
However on shutting LUNA down and reopening I find most, but curiously not all the instruments gathered back together in Room 1 - Percussion. Curiously the Saxophones have survived intact as a Group in their positions in the correct Hall.
The rest of the Template is however, destroyed, and all the Group names have also been lost, apart from the Instruments in Group 1. All subsequent Groups have defaulted back to (No Group) and this includes the Saxophones which are in the correct positions in the correct Hall but have also lost their Group identity.
Has anyone had any success with LUNA ?