Its a big template and takes about 3 to 4 minutes to load. But takes over 7-8 minutes to quit VEP!
That's longer than the already too long save time of 4-5min.
At the end of the day/night waiting 6 to 10 minutes before I can turn off my PC is very annoying and I've taken to force quit by shutting down (after saving of course).I have 3 dedicated farms and they all take nearly double the time just to unload/quit the app than they do to load or save. The more samples loaded the longer.
Will force quitting do any harm to my projects or the app databases etc?
Why cant VEP just bail quickly? Once Ive saved why does it have to spend all this time unloading samples? Just dump them already.
Windows 11, 12900k/128gb, nvme, VEPro7.1.1384 (happened since v6), Nuendo (already quit N12 before though)