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  • Tutorial updates

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    Good evening all;

    Looking for tutorials that walk the student through the arrangement process with specific music examples from the vast collection of music literature from the past 400 years. I mean these are Orchestral Libraries, am I right?

    So are there tutorials that show:

    The VE set up (mock up), choices of articulations, ya know, the whole enchilada?!

    Please do not point me to anything that's already on this web site, I've been through it all a dozen times. The tutorials attached to the music examples that are out there are quite outdated. The final product on the music page is fantastically wonderful. But I'm not told how it was done! Again, I'm not referring to the how-to tutorials such as this one:

    Vienna Dimension Strings (Introduction)

    Looking for more like this one Stravinsky: Rite of Spring - Walkthrough by Stephen Limbaugh

    Stephen's tutorial is about the only one out there that fits what I'm looking for.

    Thanks for listening


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    Hi Ray,

    How do you like the 7 (!!) new Synchron Prime Edition Tutorials available in the Vienna Assistant, with walkthrough videos for most of them?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi Ray, did you see my Mahler vids?