This library has first and second violins.
The first violins' first player's sustain patch slot reads as follows:
"patchEntry" : "vol:\/\/\/patches\/01 Dimension Violins\/01 Violins Player 1\/01 Regular\/01 SHORT + LONG NOTES\/11 VI-P1_RE_sus_Vib.vsynpatch",
"performances" : [
The second violins' first player's sustain patch slot reads as follows:
"patchEntry" : "vol:\/\/\/patches\/01 Dimension Violins\/01 Violins Player 1\/01 Regular\/01 SHORT + LONG NOTES\/11 VI-P1_RE_sus_Vib.vsynpatch",
"performances" : [
These appear to be identical. Am I correct that the difference between the samples' sound is the Synchron Stage IR in the players' mix settings? ("Dim Violins 1" and "Dim Violins 2") Otherwise, are they the same samples?
I'm building a new template right now, and I'm about to treat them as the same samples.