We all get accustomed - Server Project have many instances and every instance is Project or many projects merged into one. It's okay whatever they are named. At least everything works!
1) But why we cannot open Project in empty VEPro? We need to add an empty instance which will be automatically closed before loading Project. Maybe there should be a button right after "+" sign on program's desktop that depicts the project opening? Now it's a mess - you create instance just to have Instance menu available where is "Open Project" command. But by opening project program always create an instance if you didn't choose Merge.
2) Is Instance a Project of Is Project an Instance? None of two or both :) So moving on to meet the next versions maybe there can be a temporary merge of many projects and also saved as .vep64, but just have an information which .vep64 are included in project (instance). In such version of Project there could be a list of Projects merged in Instances (Project)... See, how strange is that we need to mention both just not to mess on then. Otherwise I don't see a real purpose why such naming used. And I know others are wondering too.