@Errikos said:
agitato: I did notice the video you refer to, and did not waste my time watching it. If she said the things you wrote here, she is hypocritical for she is very well conservatory trained. As such, she is not the best person to aver that one can "make it" without knowing music proper. I look at her videos for technical tips on equipment and workflow as she is working in the industry (not just a hopeful). However, there are videos where she does very clearly remark how ludicrous it is to believe that one can become a composer through an Internet course or by just mocking about with libraries.
I get the impression that she was put down or insulted by a prof in her music school and is just venting off...to say "look here I am ... a Hollywood composer who makes a lot of money and made it! you loser professors! So no one needs your education!!"
Funny how one stupid video can reveal a person in full. Thankfully I do not find anything special about her music....pretty average stuff... and I have much better music to listen to and learn from.
What is sad is that this video obviously will mislead a lot of youngsters who are ready to scorn any kind of learning that is not about the latest patches or synths (something you have frequently decried here). Everything is supposed to be innate and obvious because it is "Art" ...as opposed to what?...engineering or science where you need to actually learn something? That is the greatest misconception that really puts me off.
Ironically I am a scientist and not really a conservatory trained musician....except for some part-time courses and playing instruments all my life...but I can appreciate that composing music or any other art needs proper training in the craft to reach a basic level of sophistication. No wonder Hollywood music sucks today.
I have been scorned by music professors too, but I never mind that since they know more than me. I would never put down music education just because I felt insulted by some 'elite'.
But I know you know all this much more than me....and see your point about the other video in the OP.