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  • Previous elicensor libraries not showing up in latest synchron player


    I have a few libraries that I have yet to download the ilok version. they worked fine in the previous synchron player version but now that I have updated that, I see my ilok libraries I downloaded but the elicensor libraries are not showing up in the main panel. They are still in the database panel listed correctly.

    I mostly just dont want to take the time/bandwidth to redownload these elicensor libraries with the ilok version as they are suppose to still be compatible still, no?


  • for example, the sychron woodwinds are not ilok compatible yet so there must be a way to have them show up side by side with the ilok libraries.

  • Hello Matt, I‘m sorry to hear of your trouble, but according to our database you‘ve not registered the Synchron Woodwinds yet. For further support, please get in touch with Best, Michael

  • yea woodwinds are under my work account, not personal account. I have an elicensor for each one.

    I do have synchron strings in my personal account that aren't showing up also.

    both elicensors are still plugged in. can you answer the question if should be able to see ilok and elicensor libraries in the latest synchron player?

  • Hi MattKern, 

    Can you please get in touch with, best with a few screenshots to illustrate your situation. 

    Of course you should see all products you have licenses for. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL