You had written that "99% of the time the comparison will be inevitable because the ear is used to hearing real orchestras."
I'm saying that there will ALWAYS be comparisons and most of the time people will make associations that are way beyond the things we worry about. You've never had a client ask for more "smiley" or "graciousness" or "orange" from the track? I've had directors wanting more oboe when they really meant clarinet. That kind of thing.
So what I'm saying is that YOU GOTTA DO YOUR THING and who cares if it sounds exactly real or not? That's what I meant when I said "So you act according to your aesthetic." That means SO WHAT if you have to layer your synth strings under the VSL strings to get more warmth. If it works it works.
You will find out very soon that these forums will become your greatest resource for research concerning sequencing tips, discussions about arranging and finessing these sometimes difficult tools (anyone care to chime in about their perf_rep adventures?) and you may even find something about getting the most out of your strings.
As you know you can also get excellent technical advice on hardware. It's easier to re-start a discussion on gear because after a few months the gear changes anyway. However, you would be missing out on a lot more than just string sound advice by not doing some homework on this forum. So jumping into the middle of this discussion and basically hijacking this thread from "VSL is too real" to "the strings are suffering" is probably not the best way to get information on how to deal with your problem.
You had written that "99% of the time the comparison will be inevitable because the ear is used to hearing real orchestras."
I'm saying that there will ALWAYS be comparisons and most of the time people will make associations that are way beyond the things we worry about. You've never had a client ask for more "smiley" or "graciousness" or "orange" from the track? I've had directors wanting more oboe when they really meant clarinet. That kind of thing.
So what I'm saying is that YOU GOTTA DO YOUR THING and who cares if it sounds exactly real or not? That's what I meant when I said "So you act according to your aesthetic." That means SO WHAT if you have to layer your synth strings under the VSL strings to get more warmth. If it works it works.
You will find out very soon that these forums will become your greatest resource for research concerning sequencing tips, discussions about arranging and finessing these sometimes difficult tools (anyone care to chime in about their perf_rep adventures?) and you may even find something about getting the most out of your strings.
As you know you can also get excellent technical advice on hardware. It's easier to re-start a discussion on gear because after a few months the gear changes anyway. However, you would be missing out on a lot more than just string sound advice by not doing some homework on this forum. So jumping into the middle of this discussion and basically hijacking this thread from "VSL is too real" to "the strings are suffering" is probably not the best way to get information on how to deal with your problem.