Oh yes! Many, many thanks VSL for this natural, sensible and most welcome evolution of the Synchron Orchestral collection.
Saw it, watched the 2 videos, checked my price (€95 - no-brainer!), bought it, installed it, dipped into it, and I get it; all within a hassle-free hour. Tomorrow's VSL has indeed arrived!
Yup, as claimed: small footprint in storage, memory and CPU, and straightforward choices for articulations without feeling hindered by absence of certain sophistications. Fewer velocity layers too it seems, but again, that's not an impediment in the spirit of Special Edition/Prime Edition usage.
Here's hoping this will be another great seller for you, VSL, like SE before it.
Much admiration from me for your design and production of this amazingly versatile new library in classic VIenna style, and my thanks again to the entire team. Super job!