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  • Since it was mentioned earlier:

    We have followed up on reports and at least for some of these cases, a common denominator seems to be Focusrite audio hardware. For some reason, those audio interfaces (or their ASIO driver) do not play nicely with the Synchron Player. Unfortunately, we don't know why at this point.

    Kind regards,

    VSL Team | Product Specialist & Media Editing
  • Same problem here.

    I am running the Synchron Player for the first time, stand alone, with the Hello Free Instruments. All instruments seem to work as expected except for the Fujara Flute, which puts heavy load on the CPU.

    I have an RME HDSPe Asio Pro internal soundcard. Win10, AMD Ryzen 5000.

    Playing one tone only, there is a proportional relationship between the RME ASIO driver buffer size and the CPU load, as follows:

    Buffer Size/CPU Load (%):   32/100(overload, no sound), 64/63, 128/38, 256/19, 512/10, 1024/5

    Another interesting observation relates to which microphones in the mix that are active.

    Having any or all of the following microphones active gives a very low load (eg 2-3% at buffer size 64): Main, Main-C, Surround, High, High-Sur.

    Only the Mid and Close microphones, when active separately or together, contributes to the high load (61% at buffer size 64)!

    Could that information get you any closer to finding a solution? 

  • Yeah the free Fujara Flute is out of control with the CPU.  I have plenty of Synchron libraries and none of them are like this.  On Windows 10, RME UFX+, Intel 9900K.

    I don't know if it's related to everything else, as the rest of my Synchron libraries act normally.  Same experience as Chris- only the Mid and Close microphones are going crazy.

    Here's a screencap of what's happening:


  • What happens when you switch off the additional reverb?

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • last edited
    last edited

    @Dietz said:

    What happens when you switch off the additional reverb?

    What happens is that @Dietz gets a gold star! ðŸ˜ƒ

    The algorithmic reverb is the culprit. So the follow up question is: why, and how do you fix it?

  • Hi! Thank you for confirming! We'll investigate further.


    VSL Team | Product Specialist & Media Editing