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  • MIR instantiation blocking sound

    Anybody else have this occur?

    Today, I have a Vienna Choir channel that would not sound. I did some things, including reinstalling it, nothing worked. Then one of the things I tried, putting its output to st. 3/4 ("2" from input), which was not in MIR, it sounds. Then I change the mic type from Vienna Choir to Vienna Choir Soprano and that was fine.

    So, I donno, is there no doing two Vienna Choirs in MIR Pro or something? EDIT: I don't think it was doing this yesterday.

    This is the full version. The project is not that insane, actually there's only 23 icons total.

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    I have to admit that I can't really tell from your description what you're actually doing. 8-) 

    @Another User said:

     I change the mic type from Vienna Choir to Vienna Choir Soprano

    ... I assume you are referring to MIR's Instrument Profiles (which have nothing to do with microphone types), but that shouldn't affect the actual signal flow anyway.

    Is there a chance for some screen-shots, or a video?

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • In the project, there was an instance of Vienna Choir, in the pan slot is MIR. It was definitely sounding, I know, because this was a new part day before yesterday and I checked it and placed it in the mix. Yesterday it's just not sounding.

    I sent the matrix' output to 3/4 and established an input channel. this is not in MIR. Now it sounds.

    So of course I move the MIR red bar over to this channel. No sound. So I change its profile from 
    "Vienna Choir" to "Vienna Choir Soprano" and this works.

  • I suppose it's a coincidence but I'd like to avoid it if there's any sense in it

  • Hi Civilization 3,

    On Friday I downloaded the latest vepro 7 and Mir pro combined install from Vienna assistant. As I was having issues with previous versions, I thought I would give it a try. Everything was working fine for about 10 minutes up until I changed the MIR venue a few times then all of a sudden no sound at all. I have at least 25 VSL instruments all going through the mir plugin in the vep7 mixer. As soon as I bypassed the mir plugin in the mixer the sound came back. I have since went back to the elicenser versions for both vep and mir.


    OS- Windows 11, CPU- intel 12900k, 64GB DDR5 ram, RME UFX (driver 1.221), Cubase 11.0.41, Cubase 12.0.0 Nvidia GT1030 (driver 512.15) driving 4k monitor.

  • Well, this was the elicenser version, bld.1120

  • Really, several screen-shots and/or screen-recordings would help a lot to understand what the issue is, actually.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz,

    I will send a video to It will say for Dietz MIR crash.

    Not much to see in the video , everything is playing back fine (all the meters working) then I change  venues in MIR and VEP crashes. Sometimes it does not crash and audio will just stop but I can't reproduce this now after 5 tries. This is the latest version 7.1.1245. By the way this is being played back by the latest version of Sibelius 2022.3. 

