Thanks Paul,
Unfortunately it crashes without creating a report, VEP pro 7 just disappears. It seems to be related to a scaling issue in windows 11(same on windows 10) I use Newfangled audio elevate and equivicate, Leapwing audio stage one and center one and Ozone 9 limiter all in the same project. They all have fully adjustable gui sizes. It seems to happen when three or more adjustable graphics gui's are used in the same project.
Here it the thing, I use a 4k monitor that I have to scale to that I can see things properly, When I scale the screen to 150 or 175% and use the above plugins at the same time VEP pro 7 starts to get distorted and out of place graphics( I have attached some screenshots) and will eventually crash. When I scale windows back to 100% this strange gui and graphics behavior disappears and so does the crash. But I can't see the screen properly at 100%. I also use Cubase 12 with the same plugins and do not have a problem.
I have attached 2 screenshots
1) Leapwing Stage one with shrunken and distorted graphics.
2) I click on Options in VEP pro 7 and you can see it is now out of place, larger and to the right of where is is supposed to be.
In order to reproduce this you will have to use elevate, equivicate, stageone and ozone 9 limiter all at the same time have a 4k monitor set to 150 or 175 scaling. Again this problem disappears at 100% scaling.