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  • Steinberg announces the end of the VST2 format

    Hi Everybody,

    I didn't find information on this forum so, I decided to open this topic.

    As Steinberg is giving up the VST2 format ( within 2 years ) My concern is about all my VI Intruments and of course my Vienna Instrument Pro lisence which is stuck in the 2.4 vst version.

    I bought my last libraries in the Synchron player format and VSL did a realy great job moving in this direction but in another hand I have a dozen of VI intruments that I use on daily basis and that I love.

    I wouldn't lose my investment of course.

    So my point is: Is VSL planning a VST3 upgrade for VI Pro?

    Many thanks for your feedback



  • This new announcement from Steinberg is bringing up a lot of valid concerns about VST.  I just want to point out that just because Steinberg will be removing hosting support of VST2 plugins does not mean that everyone else will be removing VST2 hosting support.  Most DAW's that currently support VST2 plugins will continue to support them in a year from now, 24 months from now and beyond.  All your VST2 plugins will continue to work.  

    I know of very few plugins that are only available in VST3 format.  Actually I can't even think of one other than VePro.vst3 plugin itself, which is not relevant in this case.

    New developers who are unable to obtain VST2 license may produce some VST3-only plugins eventually, and then it might matter more, but I actually don't know of any at this point.  Additionally, a lot in the plugin development community are starting to rally around CLAP, which is too early to say what is going to happen, but may also alleviate some VST3 concerns.

    VST3 is also known to have some design flaws, particularly related to midi, which can directly affect orchestral instrument work with key switches, etc in some cases.  I personally go out of my way to avoid using VST3 instruments in nearly all cases, I would almost universally rather use VST2 or AU instruments on the mac.

    Anyway, point is, I'm sure VSL will get around to adding VePro VST3 support eventually, but I just want to say that is not really a problem to use VST2 plugins now and for the foreseeable will be numerous years before it is any kind of emergency.   Just because VST3 is newer then VST2 does not make it better.  Especially for instrument plugins.

  • Le souci concernant l'abandon d'ici au plus tard 2 ans du VST 2 par Steinberg a été soulevé dans ce forum le 23 janvier dans le sujet " IMPORTANT - Steinberg - Abandon du format VST 2 ".

    Ce problème risque de devenir réellement inquiétant dans un avenir plus ou moins proche pour de très nombreux compositeurs de MAO utilisant en particulier les logiciels Steinberg Cubase / Nuendo / Dorico si les concepteurs d'instruments et d'effets VST ne rendent pas disponibles au format VST 3 leurs produits.

    Actuellement, chez VSL, Vienna Instruments et Vienna Instruments Pro ne sont disponibles qu'au format VST 2.4.

    Steinberg venant de rendre officielle la future non prise en charge du format VST 2 dans ses propres programmes, si rien n'est fait du côté de VSL, le moment viendra où les musiciens utilisant les players Vienna Instruments ou Vienna Instruments Pro pour leurs instruments Vienna série VI devront de manière inadmissible faire le choix, soit de renoncer à utiliser les produits VSL afin de continuer à composer sur Cubase / Nuendo / Dorico, soit de conserver les produits VSL mais d'utiliser un DAW qui ne soit plus de marque Steinberg, tel que Presonus Studio One par exemple, à condition que celui-ci, ainsi que ses concurrents, maintiennent dans la durée, à long terme, le format VST 2, en plus du format VST 3, ce qui n'est pas garanti, car le risque est que tous s'alignent sur Steinberg (créateur du VST).

    Alors que Vienna Synchron Player est déjà disponible, en plus du format VST2.4, au format VST 3.6.14, il est impératif que VSL fasse de même pour Vienna Instruments et Vienna Instruments Pro, c'est à dire de les rendre disponibles également au format VST 3, tout en les laissant disponibles au format VST 2.

    Conscient du problème, Paul, de chez VSL, s'est engagé à remédier à la situation aussi rapidement que possible. Les musiciens que nous sommes, utilisateurs à la fois des produits Steinberg et VSL, ne devraient donc pas être négativement impactés le moment venu.

    Par ailleurs, Paul a indiqué une solution provisoire de contournement qui consiste à copier / coller le plug-in VST 2 de Vienna Instrument ou de VIenna Instruments Pro dans le dossier des plug-ins VST 3 et de renommer l'extension .dll en .vst3. Il reste à vérifier si cela fonctionne.

    Conclusion : Surveillons régulièrement dans notre compte MyVSL la page MyDownloads pour vérifier la mise à disposition par VSL des versions 2022 de Vienna Instruments et de Vienna Instruments Pro, au format VST 3, puis installons-les sur nos ordinateurs. Dans le cas où le temps passerait sans que VSL réagisse, il nous faudra relancer la demande avec insistance. Nous comptons sur Paul pour mener à terme le changement et la mise à jour. Par avance, merci à lui et merci aux équipes de VSL.



    Traduction Google :

    The concern about the abandonment of VST 2 by Steinberg within 2 years at the latest was raised in this forum on January 23 in the subject "IMPORTANT - Steinberg - Abandonment of the VST 2 format".

    This problem is likely to become really worrying in the more or less near future for many MAO composers using Steinberg Cubase / Nuendo / Dorico software in particular if the designers of VST instruments and effects do not make it available in VST format. 3 their products.

    Currently, at VSL, Vienna Instruments and Vienna Instruments Pro are only available in VST 2.4 format.

    Steinberg has just made official the future non-support of the VST 2 format in its own programs, if nothing is done on the VSL side, the time will come when musicians using the Vienna Instruments or Vienna Instruments Pro players for their Vienna instruments VI series will have to inadmissibly make the choice, either to give up using VSL products in order to continue composing on Cubase / Nuendo / Dorico, or to keep the VSL products but to use a DAW that is no longer from Steinberg, such as Presonus Studio One for example, provided that it, as well as its competitors, maintain over time, in the long term, the VST 2 format, in addition to the VST 3 format, which is not guaranteed, because the risk is that all align themselves with Steinberg (creator of the VST).

    While Vienna Synchron Player is already available, in addition to the VST2.4 format, in the VST 3.6.14 format, it is imperative that VSL does the same for Vienna Instruments and Vienna Instruments Pro, i.e. to make them available as well in VST 3 format, while leaving them available in VST 2 format.

    Aware of the problem, Paul from VSL undertook to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. The musicians that we are, users of both Steinberg and VSL products, should therefore not be negatively impacted when the time comes.

    Also, Paul pointed out a temporary workaround which is to copy/paste the Vienna Instrument or VIenna Instruments Pro VST 2 plug-in into the VST 3 plug-ins folder and rename the .dll extension to . vst3. It remains to check if it works.

    Conclusion: Let's regularly monitor the MyDownloads page in our MyVSL account to verify that VSL has made available the 2022 versions of Vienna Instruments and Vienna Instruments Pro, in VST 3 format, and then install them on our computers. In the event that time passes without VSL reacting, we will have to relaunch the request insistently. We are counting on Paul to carry out the change and update. In advance, thanks to him and thanks to the VSL teams.



    VSL vient de faire évoluer son système de protection vers le système de licence iLok, comme chacun le sait.

    Mais concernant le présent sujet, la bonne nouvelle n'est pas là. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que Vienna Instruments Pro, dans sa version iLok, par ailleurs nouvellement gratuite, est désormais disponible non seulement dans le format VST2.4 mais également dans le format VST3.6.0.

    Par rapport à Steinberg qui a prévu à moyen terme d'abandonner le standard VST2, l'utilisation dans l'avenir des instruments VSL de la collection VI reste donc assurée dans les DAW tels que Dorico, Cubase et Nuendo.

    Merci à Paul ainsi qu'à toute l'équipe de chez VSL pour cette évolution et pour cette amélioration importante.



    Traduction Google :

    !!! SUPER GOOD NEWS!!!

    VSL has just upgraded its protection system to the iLok licensing system, as everyone knows.

    But concerning the present subject, the good news is not there. The good news is that Vienna Instruments Pro, in its otherwise newly free iLok version, is now available not only in VST2.4 format but also in VST3.6.0 format.

    Compared to Steinberg, who planned to abandon the VST2 standard in the medium term, the future use of VSL instruments from the VI collection therefore remains assured in DAWs such as Dorico, Cubase and Nuendo.

    Thanks to Paul and the whole team at VSL for this evolution and for this important improvement.
