Hi there,
I'm really new to VEP so a lot of my problems were Can't see the tree in the forest-problems, so I'm hoping this will be one of them, but I can't figure out what is wrong.
I created myself an orchestral template in Cubase11pro using VEP7 and mainly the NI Komplete VI's. I assigned the Midi Channel and VEP instances and have no problems getting a sound from the different channels, so the output routing seems fine.
The problem I'm facing is that when in draw midi-automation on specific instances, these information won't get read. I can draw in CC7 or 11 information on miditracks connected to my String-instance in VEP for example, and everything works as intended, but if I do the same for tracks connected to my Brass-instance, these information aren't doing anything and the sound on that track won't get automated at all.
I setup the different instances in the same manner when creating the template and since it is basically the same library I just can't figure out why it works on some of them and don't on some others.