For several years now, qualified tonmeister Edgar Rothermich has been saving me countless hours by his various publications that dig deep into Logic Pro. I've learnt I can trust his analyses, his attention to detail, his sense of relevance, and above all, his intellectual integrity. Only occasionally do I find I need to dig even deeper than Edgar has already gone.
The big new thing in Apple's recent Logic Pro 10.7 is Dolby Atmos which, over the last 10 years, has been promising a new era of 3D immersive surround sound production and consumption. Shortly before this new Logic release Edgar addressed the topic of mixing in Dolby Atmos, in a 48 minute video on YouTube; backed up by his lavishly illustrated book "Mixing in Dolby Atmos - #1 How It Works". No doubt he'll also cover Logic Pro 10.7 very soon. Here's a link to the YouTube video:
"Mixing in Dolby Atmos - How it Works"
Before you wade into the whole video, I'd suggest you might want to take a sneak peek at his very illuminating demonstration of binaural sound for headphones, right at the end of the video, starting at 43:25, linked here.
(I'm in no way affiliated to Edgar Rothermich.)