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  • Quick tip for in-your-face cinematic drums

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    Ever struggled to reproduce that heavy-as-hell, in-your-face cinematic drums sound? Like in, for example, the 30 second intro to this flashmob video shot in Wien Hauptbahnhof in 2019:-

    For this, today's secret weapon is the clipper plugin. No more driving youself to distraction spending hours with transient-modifiers, sub-bass boosters, EQ, compressors, limiters, etc, etc.

    Insert a clipper straight after an instrument you want to have maximum brawn. (Pro-grade clippers are available from Voxengo and SIR Audio Tools - the Voxengo has the edge in my book for its superior clip-rounding properties). And don't be shy; apply the scalpel as deep as you can before unwelcome artifacts become evident. Often it's amazing how deeply you can slice; the deeper the incision, the more beefy the resulting sound. Then maybe do some EQ and perhaps transient design also.

    Send to one or more modern algo verbs of your choice. Compress (preferably with opto or RMS detection) the verb output hard to keep the tail inflated without having to use absurdly long reverb times.

    Prepare to be amazed.

  • [EDIT: got the answer]

  • Yes indeed Sam, that's my current fav bad*ss plugin! (Sorry for any inconvenience; I avoided naming the actual devices in my original post for fear of being moderated for promoting non-VSL products in this forum).

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    @Macker said:

    Yes indeed Sam, that's my current fav bad*ss plugin! (Sorry for any inconvenience; I avoided naming the actual devices in my original post for fear of being moderated for promoting non-VSL products in this forum).

    No worries!  That's a good point, I'll edit my previous post.  Thanks!